Sorry for the abrupt entrance. A rude awakening, and a crappy joke doesn't really make for a good introduction. If you're reading this shit, or perhaps just browsing along, then you're probably one of the few unlucky persons to know me, and perhaps even consider me as a friend, evidenced by the fact that you invited me in your friendster (or vice-versa).
ren·dez·vous (ränd
, -d
n. pl. ren·dez·vous (-vz
1. A meeting at a prearranged time and place.
2. A prearranged meeting place, especially an assembly point for troops or ships.
3. A popular gathering place.
tr. & intr.v. ren·dez·voused (-v
), ren·dez·vous·ing (-v

ng), ren·dez·vous (-v
To bring or come together at a rendezvous.
1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
2. A daydream; a reverie.
3. A state of abstraction; a trance.
4. A wild fancy or hope.
5. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.
So if you know me, or if you think you know me, then feel free to skim my words and read along at your own pace. I'm not going to stop you, nor even tell you what I mean. I'm just going to laugh at you, at what you think you understand about my words, and say: Till then. Only in dreams are desires met, only in dreams are realities unfounded, only in dreams are we not hurt even by the most horrific nightmare, only in dreams are we truly free...
To fly.
Thus, till then. Until the next time.
And before that, then only in dreams -- a rendezvous...
Where time and place doesn't mean a thing, and cats fly
amidst a vanilla sky.
amidst a vanilla sky.
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