I've been having weird dreams lately. And the usual nightmares, of course. First, this really fabulous story about me going back in time to save myself from a horrible death, only to find out I made a grave mistake in the process and set in motion events which actually erased my existence from the present. And the only way I could go back was to appear in dreams to those who knew me before I "erased" myself from their memories and try to make them remember me. Lolx. It would've kicked-ass if it actually had an ending. Sadly, that usual nightmare cropped up and interrupted that movie in my mind. So I guess I'll just have to content myself to imagining who among those whom I knew would've been able to save me. Last I remember, I was visiting some beggar from the streets, and it felt like he was my last hope and I was pinning everything on him. Was I that forgettable that it came to that? Hahaha. To plead to a beggar to remember someone whom he may have beg alms from sometime in his life, haha. Truly pathetic.
And then this dream that had Hans-Christan-Andersen's hands all over it. A story about a kleptomaniac prince who hides his true personality by acting "prim and proper" in front of eveyrone, and then stealing them blind when everyone's looking the other way. Enters our hero, moi, who not only catches him in the act, but shows him for what he truly is.
He had just stolen some really tasty treats (which was really rare. and for some reason, only I and the girl had it) from some girl in the party and was about to get away with his booty when I caught him and whispered to him.
"You could say sorry to the girl, return the candies, and I'll give you mine in turn. Or keep it and eat it. Though I warn you. Those candies have an enchantment. Stolen from the rightful owner, its insides become filled with poison. While if freely given to someone, becomes filled with chocolate that has healing powers. (err. this is a dream. it is corny, but I warned you -- it was all Hans' fault)
Well, what'd you expect a kleptomaniac to do? He swallowed the candies and then dropped dead. The party went into an uproar. Suddenly, guards where all around me. But who's staying for this party?
Not me. My usual nightmare just saved me again from a possible hanging.
So what is the moral of these two dreams?
Well one, that I should be kind to all beggars lest the affirmation of my existence falls to them, and two, that nightmares can actually save you from a much more horrible one, i.e. the cheekiest of the cheekiest.
Lucid dreaming days are here again.