It's funny how last night, Kelly kept repeating a joke which I think no one got at all. And she never alluded to it; except to hope that those who has ears, be able to hear the message clear. I don't know if anyone ever did. Even I didn't get it till I got home.
Yeah, we are the Cuba Gooding's of the Call Center industry, all right. And we are the butt of her joke for not realizing that before Cuba Gooding was "shown the money," he showed his heart. A trip down memory lane might jog a few memories...
Look. I'm happy to entertain you, as always, but I have a question for you. Are we really "friends?"
Why not --
Well, friends can tell each other anything, right? If we have our "friends" hats on --
I think so.
Airight. Here's why you don't have your ten million dollars yet. You are a paycheck player. You play with your head. Not your heart. In your personal life?
Heart. But when you get on the field -- Jerry (finger rises to Tidwell's head) -- you're a businessman. It's wide-angle lenses and who fucked you over and who owes you for it. That's not what inspires people. I'm sorry, but that's the truth, can you handle it? Just a "question," Rod. Between friends.
I don't want to be friends anymore.
We still having dinner in L.A.?
Only 'cause my wife likes your wife!
Jerry exits. Tidwell is pissed. And hurt.
TIDWELL (continuing)
"No heart." "No heart?"
(yells after him)
I'm all heart, motherfucker!
He gets on the bus. (end)
And so will I. Let the crybaby's of the world gripe about how they don't have their lovin' and their "respect." I'll earn it the old fashioned way.
No heart? Dig this for your heart: (an exposition too long...)