Thursday, April 20, 2006

Support CineMalaya and Junk MMFF Altogether

I don't understand what the fuss is all about this MMFF "rumor" of "undeserved winers" and "mafia-run" juries. Frankly, I don't give a fuck. MMFF for me has already been an institution beyond any salvation ever since Lolit committed that great scam in the 90's. Everyone knows that year after year, MMFF continues to patronize mediocre films just because they have:

a) big budgets

b)big-time producers or directors or

c) both

For an industry that's needing a much needed boost, it's a big relief that CineMalaya  came to life.

This is where the true salvation of Pinoy films lie. If only people would see that. Already, our indies are raking in international awards that our "big-time" directors can only gawk at. Shame. Just like our medical professionals, our indies are only appreciated "abroad."

Thankfully, with CineMalaya, great young talents are given the chance to show their creativity and be discovered in the process. Even the last placed film in this festival will pussy-whip any best picture the MMFF deems "best." What a sorry ass of mind MMFF judges must have when they'd rather have "Hula mo, Huli Ko" in the roster than "Magnifico."

So I don't understand what the hulabaloo is about. So you didn't win the prize, bohoo. Who cares? Your movie made money at the box-office (thanks to the brilliant idea of protectionism, which I think should be given to CineMalaya and not, pwe, MMFF, which incidentally kills all efforts at excellence and promotes a culture of mediocrity) (and by saying "mediocre" I'm saying MMFF has sunk even lower than that. Hello! Terrorist Hunter anyone?), your talents all earned fat paychecks, and you've just degraded Philippine Cinema to the coldest depths of hell.

Who cares if you never got that stinkin' trophy? It's a piece of trash anyway. MMFF has made sure of that.

TRUE filmmakers don't care about the awards they'll get. They care about the art. They know that recognition comes from the audience, not from a bunch of silly saps who think they know Bergman from Kubrick. Real filmmakers care not about prizes. What's important for them is expressing their creativity and showing people what LIFE is all about.

I agree with Zulueta. MMFF is not a festival. It's a carnival.

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